Using Pin++ To Author Highly Configurable Pintools for the Pin

February 8, 2015 @ 8:30 am – 12:00 am
James H. Hill (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)

This tutorial will discuss an open-source framework for creating Pintools, which are analysis tools for the dynamic binary instrumentation tool named Pin, named Pin++. Pin++ is an object-oriented framework that uses template meta-programming to implement Pintools. The goal of Pin++ is to simplify programming a Pintool and promote reuse of its components across different Pintools. Our results show that Pintools implemented using Pin++ can have a 54% reduction in complexity, increase in its modularity, and up to 60% reduction in instrumentation overhead.

This tutorial will focus on the following key concepts in Pin++:

  • It will discuss the challenges of implement a Pintool using the traditional approach.
  • It will discuss how Pin++ addresses existing challenges when authoring Pintools.
  • Using hands-on examples, it will discuss how to implement basic Pintools using Pin++ so the audience can begin exploring how to apply Pin++ to their existing problems.