

Saturday April 2, 2011

GCC Parallel WIR-1 ODES-9
AlphaZ LoopVect WISH-3 X10

Sunday April 3, 2011



[ArBB] Array Building Blocks: A Dynamic Compiler for Data-parallel Heterogeneous Systems

Hardware platforms are getting harder to program effectively, as they grow in complexity to include multiple cores, SIMD hardware, accelerators (e.g. GPUs and Intel's Knights Ferry - formerly Larrabee) and even clustering support. The challenge is to provide an efficient means of exploiting parallel performance to the masses of novice programmers. At least two things are required to solve this problem: 1) a language interface that enables ease of use without the perils of parallel programming, and 2) a compiler infrastructure that takes a high-level specification of what to do, and portably maps it onto a variety of heterogeneous hardware targets.
This tutorial uses Intel's newly-released Array Building Blocks (ArBB) to illustrate the challenges and potential solutions in this space. ArBB is a dynamic compiler infrastructure that can compile or JIT for both SIMD and thread parallelism on symmetric multi-processor, distributed, and accelerator targets. Parallelism is exposed to this infrastructure via an embedded language, e.g. a library-based C++ API, using aggregate data types and operators. It enables safety and debuggability by construction. It allows applications with kernels that are recoded with minimized effort to be compiled once using standard compilers, and then be dynamically retargeted to platforms that haven't even been invented yet by simply switching runtime libraries. We put ArBB in the context with a variety of other programming models, including CUDA and OpenCL.
This tutorial may be of practical interest to language experts who are interested in parallel language design, to educators who may want to leverage this material to teach parallel programming models for emerging architectures, and to practitioners who may benefit from our experience implementing compilers to address customer-driven concerns. The presentation of new language features, application examples, optimization techniques that enable efficient offload to accelerators, and the demonstration of speedup and debugging support on both standard laptops and pre-production acceleration hardware are some of the aspects of this tutorial that could draw participation.
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Chris J. Newburn (CJ), Intel

[DyRIO] Building Dynamic Instrumentation Tools with DynamoRIO

This tutorial will present the DynamoRIO tool platform and describe how to use its API to build custom tools that utilize dynamic code manipulation for instrumentation, profiling, analysis, optimization, introspection, security, and more. The DynamoRIO tool platform was first released to the public in June 2002 and has since been used by many researchers to develop systems ranging from taint tracking to prefetch optimization. DynamoRIO is now publicly available in open source form.
The first part of the tutorial will consist of presentations that describe the full range of DynamoRIO's powerful API, which abstracts away the details of the underlying infrastructure and allows the tool builder to concentrate on analyzing or modifying the application's runtime code stream. We will give many examples and highlight differences between DynamoRIO and other tool platforms. We will also seek feedback on how we can improve the DynamoRIO API.
The second part of the tutorial will include lab sessions where attendees experiment with building their own tools using DynamoRIO. Attendees for should bring a laptop with a Linux or Windows development environment: gcc on Linux, Visual Studio on Windows, as well as CMake (which can be installed at the tutorial if necessary).
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Derek Bruening
Qin Zhao

[GCC] Essential Abstractions in GCC

The GNU Compiler collection is a compiler generation framework which constructs a compiler for a given architecture by reading the machine descriptions for that architecture. This framework is practically very useful as evidenced by the existence of several dozens of targets for which compilers have been created using GCC. These compiler are routinely used by millions of users for their regular compilation needs. While a deployment of GCC on the default parameters is easy, any other customization, experimentation and modification of GCC is difficult and requires a high amount of expertise and concentrated efforts. In this tutorial we describe some carefully chosen abstractions that help one to understand the retargetability mechanism and the architecture of the compiler generation framework of GCC and relate it to a generated compiler.
A summary of topics covered:

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Uday P. Khedker

[Parallel] GPU Programming Models, Optimizations and Tuning

GPU based parallel computing is of tremendous interest today because of their significantly higher peak performance than general-purpose multicore processors, as well as better energy efficiency. However, harnessing the power of GPUs is more complicated than general-purpose multi-cores. There has been considerable recent interest in two complementary approaches to assist application developers:

This tutorial will provide an introductory survey covering both these aspects.
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J. (Ram) Ramanujam, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Louisiana State University
P. (Saday) Sadayappan, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Ohio State University

[Pin!] Detailed Pin!

Pin is a dynamic instrumentation system provided by Intel (http://www.pintool.org), which allows C/C++ introspection code to be injected at arbitrary places in a running executable. The injected introspection code is referred to as a Pin tool and is used to observe the behavior of the program. Pin tools can be writtten to perform various functionalities including application profiling, memory leak detection, trace generators for the IA32, Intel64 and IA64 (Itanium) platforms, running either Windows or Linux. Pin provides a rich API that abstracts away the underlying instruction set idiosyncrasies and allows context information such as register contents to be passed to the injected code as parameters. Pin automatically saves and restores registers that are overwritten by the injected code so the application continues to execute normally. Pin makes it easy to do studies on complex real-life applications, which makes it a useful tool not only for research, but also for education. Pin has been downloaded tens of thousands times, has been cited in over 700 publications, and has over 550 registered mailing list users.
The tutorial targets researchers, students, and educators alike, and provides a detailed look at Pin, both how to use Pin and how Pin works. Participants will obtain a good undersanding of the Pin API ans. The tutorial is comprised of four learning components. The first component provides insight into the workings of Pin, and introduces its fundamental instrumentation structures and concepts thru example Pin tools. The second component will present methods and considerations for writing optimal Pintools. The third component introduces useful Pin-based tools that are freely available for download, in particular we will look in detail at the memtrace and membuffer tools, which implement the instrumentation basis for algorithms which need to examine memory accesses. The fourth component will present some of the more advanced Pin APIs, such as signal/exception interception, multi threaded pin tools, Pin interface to debuggers.
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Tevi Devor, Staff Engineer, Intel
Robert Cohn, Senior Principal Engineer, Intel

[PIPS] PIPS: An Interprocedural Extensible Source-to-Source Compiler Infrastructure for Code/Application Transformations and Instrumentations

The PIPS compiler framework was designed in 1988 at MINES ParisTech to research interprocedural parallelization. It has been used to generate automatic code distribution, OpenMP-to-MPI code translation, HPF Compiler, automatic C and Fortran to CUDA translation, code modelization for graphic IDEs, genetic algorithm-based optimizations, SIMD (SSE, AVX...) portable code generation and code optimization for FPGA-based accelerators. PIPS supports entire Fortran 77 and C applications and is easily extensible. After 20 years of development and constant improvement, PIPS is a robust source-to-source compiler, providing a large set of program analyses and transformations with around 300 phases.
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Corinne Ancourt, Centre de Recherche en Informatique, MINES ParisTech, France
Serge Guelton, Telecom Bretagne/Info/HPCAS, France
Ronan Keryell, CSO, HPC Project, France
Frederique Silber-Chaussumier, Telecom Sud Paris, France

[AlphaZ] AlphaZ and the Polyhedral Equational Model

The polyhedral model is now established as a powerful, "domain-specific" model for program representation, analysis, and transformation. It is limited to a small domain (commonly called affine-control loops) for which it provides a very powerful abstraction. This tutorial will present, in a hands-on manner two aspects of the model that are not very widely known. The first is the *equational* aspect of the polyhderal model, where high level equations are used to describe polyhderal computations, and the powerful static analyses that are enabled by this declarative view. The second is exposure to an open source, research tool, AlphaZ that is designed in a modular maner to be very highly extensible. Participants will have the opportunity to write simple program transformations themselves.
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S. Rajopadhye, Colorado State University

[LoopVect] Program Optimization through Loop Vectorization

Most modern microprocessors contain vector extension that benefit from the fine grain parallelism of vector operations. Programmers can take advantage of these extensions through vectorizing compilers or by explicitly programming them with intrinsics. A significant fraction of the peak performance of many of today's machines can be attributed to their vector extensions.
This tutorial covers techniques to make the best possible use of vector extensions. We will discuss:

Compiler limitations and manual transformations will be illustrated using code snippets from real applications and common kernels processed by the IBM xlc and INTEL icc compilers. The report generated by the compiler, execution time and speedups obtained from vectorization will be shown in each case. The source code of all the examples will be distributed, so that attendees can run the examples and measure their performance on their own machines. The only pre-requisite for this language is familiarity with the C language.
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Maria J. Garzaran, Research Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
David Padua, Donald Biggar Willet Professor, Computer Science Department University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

[WCC] Reconciling Compilers and Timing Analysis for Safety-Critical Real-Time Systems - the WCET-aware C Compiler WCC

WARNING: tutorial canceled due to personal emergency for one of the organizers - our apologies

Timing constraints must be respected for safety-critical real-time applications. Traditionally, compilers are unable to use precise estimates of execution times for optimization, and timing properties of code are derived after compilation. A number of design iterations are required if timing constraints are not met. We propose to reconcile compilers and timing analysis and to create a worst-case execution time (WCET) aware compiler in this way. Such WCET-aware compilers can exploit precise WCET information during compilation. This way, they are able to improve the code quality. Also, we may be able to avoid some of the design iterations.
In this tutorial, we present the integration of a compiler and a WCET analyzer, yielding our WCET-aware compiler WCC. We are then considering compiler optimizations for their potential to reduce the WCET, assuming that the WCET is now used as the cost function. Considered optimizations include loop unrolling, register allocation, scratchpad memory allocation, memory content selection and cache partitioning for multi-task systems. For large sets of benchmarks, average WCET reductions of up to 40% were achieved. The results indicate that this new area of research has the potential of achieving worthwhile execution time reductions for safety-critical real-time code.
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Heiko Falk, TU Dortmund, Germany
Peter Marwedel, TU Dortmund, Germany

[X10] Inside X10: Implementing a High-level Language on Distributed and Heterogeneous Platforms

X10 is a type-safe, modern, parallel, distributed object-oriented language designed specifically to address the challenges of productively programming complex hardware systems consisting of clusters of multicore CPUs and accelerators. A single X10 source program can be compiled for efficient execution on a wide variety of target platforms including single machines running Linux, MacOS, or Windows; clusters of x86 and Power based SMP nodes; BlueGene/P supercomputers; and CUDA-enabled GPUs.
Implementing a high-level language like X10 on a variety of platforms and achieving high performance presents a number of challenges. In this tutorial we will briefly cover the core features of the X10 language and some current empirical results, but will mainly focus on presenting the implementation technology that underlies the system. Topics covered will include:

The tutorial is intended both for people who are generally interested in the implementation technology used by X10 and other similar PGAS languages and at researchers who are interested in using the X10 implementation (available open source at x10-lang.org) as the basis for their own research projects.
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Olivier Tardieu, IBM Research
David Cunningham, IBM Researchu
Igor Peshansky, IBM Research