Unfortunately, the workshop is cancelled; please direct any questions to the workshop's chair (see below for contact details)

Ninth Workshop on Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing Architectures and Compiler Technology (EPIC-9)

April 2nd or 3d (TBD), 2011

In conjunction with the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization,

Chamonix, France



Researchers from both academia and industry are invited to share their latest research findings in the area of EPIC architectures and compiler technology. The EPIC style of architecture was developed to enable new levels of instruction-level parallelism not achieved with traditional architectures. By allowing the compiler to express program parallelism and other relevant information directly to the processor, EPIC architectures can overcome hardware complexity issues that limit performance in traditional microprocessors.

The major challenge in realizing the full potential of EPIC architectures is developing compiler and runtime optimization technologies that effectively deploy explicitly defined hardware mechanisms, and deliver performance for both commercial and scientific applications. This workshop will focus on promising research concepts that enable the EPIC architecture model.






Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Compiler Optimizations:


Binary Translation:


Feedback-Directed Optimizations:




Advanced Uses of EPIC Architectures:


Performance Analysis of EPIC Architectures:




Andrey Bokhanko, Intel


Submission Deadline: Friday, February 4, 2011
Acceptances Mailed: February 18, 2011
Final Version Due: March 11, 2011
Workshop Date: April 2 or 3 (TBD), 2011 (half day workshop)



Full papers of up to 22 pages or extended abstracts of up to 8 pages can be submitted by email (8.5"x11" double-spaced pages, using 11pt or larger font). Clearly describe the nature of the work, its significance and the current status of the research. Include a title page containing the title of the paper, list of authors and their affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses and the name of the corresponding author. Accepted papers will be published on EPIC-9 web-site (the copyright will remain with the author).



EPIC-1, 2001, Austin, TX

EPIC-2, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey

EPIC-3, 2004, Palo Alto, CA

EPIC-4, 2005, San Jose, CA

EPIC-5, 2006, New York, NY

EPIC-6, 2007, San Jose, CA

EPIC-7, 2008, Boston, MA

EPIC-8, 2010, Toronto, Canada