Charter for the IEEE/ACM
International Symposium on Code
Generation Optimization (CGO)
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Mission Statement
- To foster innovation and advance technical development in the theory, practice, and application of
code generation and optimization, encompassing static, feedback-directed, and runtime techniques.
- To promote cooperation and substantive technical exchange among members of
academia and industry who are working in this area.
- To provide an annual meeting for the presentation and discussion of
technical papers, and provide a means for the broader dissemination of these
Current Steering Committee Membership
- Ben Zorn (Chair), Carol Eidt -- Terms Expire CGO 2011
- CJ Newburn, Kim Hazelwood, Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai -- Terms Expire CGO 2012
- Mary Hall, David August -- Terms Expire CGO 2013
Steering Committee Member
- Actively contribute and work to implement ways to improve CGO's vision, focus,
growth, relevance, and success.
- Nominate and elect the annual chairs.
- Oversee the adjustment of the technical focus direction, as reflected in the call for papers.
- Be willing to serve on the program committee and attend all steering committee meetings.
- Take an active role in the CGO conference each year.
- Elect steering committee members, steering committee chair, and annual chairs.
- No member of the steering committee accepts any legal liability for the activities of CGO or persons at CGO events.
Term: 3 years
Term limits: None
- Must be
actively involved in research and development of CGO techniques and
- Must be an
active participant in CGO, not missing its events for more than one year in
a row.
Number of members on the steering committee
- Shall not be more than seven or fewer than three without a unanimous vote by the steering committee.
Steering Committee Chair
All of the responsibilities of a steering committee member, plus:
- Take the initiative to actively lead CGO, fostering a vision, shepherding its growth
and vibrance, keeping it relevant to the changing needs of the community.
- Set an agenda for and run the steering committee meeting.
- Implement the decisions of the steering committee, or delegate
responsibility to do so.
- See that the next year's chairs and location are selected in time to make
an annoucement at CGO.
- Oversee the finances and management of CGO, delegating these
responsibilities to annual chairs as appropriate.
Term: 3 years
Term limit: Cannot be elected to consecutive terms, but eligible for re-election thereafter.
- Must meet eligibility requirements of a steering committee member.
- Must have served on the steering committee for at least one year.
Annual Chairs
The program chair(s) and the general chair(s) are collectively the annual chairs for the purposes of this charter.
Manage the annual conference, including:
- Set a tone and direction, as expressed in the call for papers.
- Select the program committee and appoint any remaining positions in the organizing committee in consultation with the steering committee.
- Handle publicity, logistics, registration, and finances.
- Organize and run the final program schedule, e.g. arrange panels, invited speakers, awards.
- Must be actively involved in research and development of CGO techniques and systems.
- Must be an active participant in CGO.
Elections and Other Changes
- Election of steering committee chair shall be by majority vote of the steering
- Election of
steering committee members shall be by majority vote of
the steering committee, in consultation with
sponsoring organizations.
- Election of the next annual chairs shall be by majority vote of
the steering committee and the current year's annual chairs, in consultation with
sponsoring organizations.
- Voting should occur only after a full discussion of the strengths and
weaknesses of the nominated candidate. Discussion should be mediated by the
steering committee chair, and members should strive for consensus.
- Ordinarily, all voting is open. Any steering committee member may
request a secret vote, the results of which will be tallied by a
mutually-agreed upon third party.
- This charter may be amended or augmented only by a two-thirds majority
vote of members of the steering committee.
Conference Proposal Procedure
The next year's conference call for papers should be presented at the
business meeting and distributed at the conference. The following should be
part of the CFP:
- General location and approximate dates, if not the actual hotel and dates contracted.
- Primary chairs: general, program, finance, publicity, local arrangements, workshop, and tutorial.
- Paper solicitation, with dates, topic areas, and submission procedures.
Proposals for future conferences should be handled as follows:
- Proposals for years n+2 and n+3 should ordinarily be made at the business
meeting for conference year n.
- All proposals should specify a proposed program chair, general chair, approximate
location, and an argument for that location. Ideally, they should include approximate
hotel, venue and transportation costs, and expected attendance.
- The steering committee will select the venue for year n+2 from among the competing
proposals in the months after the conference in year n, and may request additional
information from the proposers to make this decision.
- The steering committee will vote to select the venue and annual chairs for year n+2.
The current charter was ratified on 4/28/2010 by the serving steering committee:
Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai
David August
Carol Eidt
Mary Hall
Kim Hazelwood
CJ Newburn
Ben Zorn
The original charter was ratified on 8/15/2001 by the following steering committee:
Brad Calder
Jong-Deok Choi
Tom Conte
Evelyn Duesterwald
CJ Newburn
Mike Smith
- CJ Newburn was unanimously elected to a 3-year term as steering committee chair by that committee, starting 8/15/01.
- Wen-mei Hwu was unanimously elected to a 3-year term as steering committee member by that committee, starting 2/17/02.
- Richard Johnson was unanimously elected as an annual chair by the steering committee, starting
- Brad Calder was unanminously elected as the steering committee chair in 2006.
- Wen-mei Hwu and CJ Newburn were unanimously re-elected to the steering committee in 2006 for a 2006-2009 term.
- In 2006, Mike Smith's term was set to expire in 2008, and Tom Conte and Evelyn Duesterwald's terms were set to expire in 2007, for the sake of staggering.
- Ben Zorn was unanimously elected to the steering committee in 2006 for a staggered 2006-2008 term.
- Brad retired from the steering committee in 2007, given his job responsibilities.
- Mike Smith was unanimously elected as the steering committee chair in 2007.
- Mike Smith was unanimously re-elected to the steering committee in 2007, for a staggered team ending in 2008.
- Tom Conte and Evelyn Duesterwald were unanimously re-elected to the steering committee in 2007 for a 2007-2010 term.
- David August was unanimously elected to the steering committee in 2007 for a 2007-2010 term.
- Ben Zorn and Mike Smith were unanimously re-elected to the steering committee in 2008 for a 2008-2011 term.
- Carol Eidt was unanimously elected to the steering committee in 2008 for a 2008-2011 term.
- CJ Newburn was unanimously re-elected to the steering committee in 2009 for a 2009-2012 term.
- Kim Hazelwood and Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai were unanimously elected to the steering committee in 2009 for a 2009-2012 term.
- David August was unanimously re-elected to the steering committee in 2010 for a 2010-2013 term.
- Mary Hall was unanimously elected to the steering committee in 2010 for a 2010-2013 term.
- Ben Zorn was unanimously elected as the steering committee chair in 2010 for a 2010-2013 term.