Panelist | Bio | Position Statement | |
David August | Prof. David August is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Princeton University. His research interests lie in computer architecture and back-end compilation. At Princeton, he directs the Liberty Research Group. The Liberty Research Group is studying next generation architectures, code analyses, and code transformations to enhance performance, reliability, and security. To support this work and to advance computer architecture research in general, the group develops powerful open- source compiler and modeling tools. David's work has been recognized by an NSF CAREER Award, an Emerson Electric Company - E. Lawrence Keyes '51 Award, an IBM Faculty Partnership Award, several best paper awards, and The Chronicle of Higher Education's annual list of "New Ph.D.'s to Watch". David earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign in 2000 while working as a member of the IMPACT research group. | David August's Position Statement | |
Preston Briggs | Preston Briggs is a Fellow at AMD. He received a PhD from Rice University in 1992. Since then, he has worked in industry (Tera, Cray, and AMD), focusing on compiler optimization and application performance for parallel computers. He willingly confesses a huge bias towards shared-memory systems. | Preston Briggs' Position Statement | |
David Callahan | David Callahan is a Distinguished Engineer at Microsoft where he works on concurrency related issues within the Parallel Computing Platform Team, a part of the Visual Studio suite of developer tools. Prior to Microsoft, he worked for many years at Cray Inc. and Tera Computer Company developing language extensions, compilers, runtime support and tools for developing scalable parallel programs for high-performance computing. He was a Co-PI on the first two phases of the Cray/DARPA HPCS project called Cascade and contributed to the early designs of the Chapel programming language. He is a graduate of Rice University and his interests include optimizations compilers, parallel languages and runtime support, parallel algorithms, and hardware architecture. He is a member of the ACM. | David Callahan's Position Statement | |
David Chase |
David Chase is a Senior Staff Engineer at Sun Microsystems, where he has been working on the Fortress Programming Language since 2003. Dr. Chase's interests include the interaction of compiler optimizations with runtime systems, and language design and implementation in general. Before returning to Sun in 2003, he worked for a variety of startups doing work related to language transformation, design and implementation, Sun Microsystems, and Olivetti Research. Dr. Chase received a BSEE from Rice University in 1982, and his Ph.D. in 1988 at Rice University. |
David Chase's Position Statement | |
Edward A. Lee | Edward A. Lee is the Robert S. Pepper Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) department at U.C. Berkeley. His research interests center on design, modeling, and simulation of embedded, real-time computational systems. He is a director of Chess, the Berkeley Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems, and is the director of the Berkeley Ptolemy project. He is co-author of five books and numerous papers. He has led the development of several influential open-source software packages, including Ptolemy, Ptolemy II, HyVisual, and VisualSense. His bachelors degree (B.S.) is from Yale University (1979), his masters (S.M.) from MIT (1981), and his Ph.D. from U. C. Berkeley (1986). From 1979 to 1982 he was a member of technical staff at Bell Telephone Laboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey, in the Advanced Data Communications Laboratory. He is a co-founder of BDTI, Inc., where he is currently a Senior Technical Advisor, and has consulted for a number of other companies. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, was an NSF Presidential Young Investigator, and won the 1997 Frederick Emmons Terman Award for Engineering Education. | Edward A.Lee's Position Statement |
The value of a programming language is only in its ability to reduce the effort a programmer must expend to express an algorithm to perform a given task. This explains the historic trends in programming language usage - migration from assembly (C), the move to object oriented-languages (Java, C++), and the expanding use of scripting languages (Perl, Python). For programmers participating in these trends, the ease of programming was worth much more than any loss in performance. Only when performance is at a premium and an essential part of the task's definition do we see programmers counter this trend, and then only as little as possible, such as in key rendering loops in a video game. Any new language for multicore that doesn't simplify the programmer's task compared to existing sequential programming languages will likely be relegated to similar dark corners even if its use delivers a performance advantage. Unfortunately, as described here, new languages for multicore may increase the software development burden, and may do so without a convincing performance advantage, if any, over a much less burdensome approach described later in this statement.
In order for multicore languages to be successful, they must reduce the programmer's burden. Unfortunately, all languages for multicore are likely to increase software development burden in at least a few ways. First, a new language of any type requires training, a time consuming and expensive process. Second, legacy codes that are to benefit will need to be rewritten, also a time consuming and expensive process. Third, multicore languages will likely require programmers to express their code in a parallel form, a more difficult task than expressing code in a sequential form. Fourth, parallel forms may be more difficult to reason about, resulting in more programming errors. Fifth, compounding this correctness problem will be the increased effort necessary for debugging and verifying parallel codes.
Well-designed multicore languages can address some of these issues by being deterministic and by allowing the decomposition of the problem in a natural manner for the domain. Unfortunately, by supporting a more natural decomposition of the problem, these languages will be special purpose (such as for creating hardware/simulators or for encoding signal processing applications) as different problems decompose in very different ways. When compared to general purpose languages, these languages tend to to have higher tool, support, training, and legacy code conversion costs, placing a different set of the burdens on software developers.
Companies make money by alleviating customer pain, not by creating it because they can't solve their own problems. Now that architects are unable to sustain the exponential increase in performance with hardware alone, the next step should be to explore compiler and runtime solutions jointly with hardware, not to simply push the problem to the language level and unduly burden the programmer. (Later in this statement, I will address the motivation behind this language- level reaction, and why this reaction is not rational.) Some would argue that x86 prevails solely for the reason that switching to another ISA involves customer effort. Yet, in the proposed new-language migration path to multicore, we see little respect for this key market insight. The market always has the last word.
Even assuming programmers are willing to accept the burden thrust upon them, there is evidence to suggest that new multicore languages won't actually solve the problem without help from automatic parallelization.
When writing code in a multicore language, some algorithms will have programs for which performance scales with input set size. This is good news for multicore if we expect a doubling of cores every Moore's Law generation. These "embarrassingly parallel" applications are easily expressed with existing methods. Unfortunately, many algorithms may not have programmatic expressions which scale so well. Amdahl's law says that the performance of these multicore codes will be tied to the performance of their "sequential portions".
A "sequential portion" is really just another name for code sections not expressible in a parallel fashion by the programmer. Note that this does not mean that these codes cannot be parallelized, just that they cannot be readily expressed in a parallel manner. Advances in languages may reduce the amount of "sequential portions" in codes, but almost surely at the cost of programmer effort. Consider the disaster that would have resulted if programmers were required to play a part in ILP extraction (dealing with target-specific details, with the fine-grained management of code, and with the distraction from the task at hand). This is what parallelizing "sequential portions" may demand of the programmer (dealing with specific partitionings and mappings to cores, with orchestrating speculation, and with managing more parallelism than is cognitively natural). We have found that the parallelization of "sequential portions" fits the ILP analogy in another way, these "sequential portions" are often easily parallelized by existing and recently developed automatic parallelization methods.
Amdahl's law means that the success of multicore languages is dependent upon the success of technology to automatically parallelize sequential codes. If new multicore languages aren't sufficient, maybe they aren't even necessary. If automatic parallelization is necessary for multicore success, maybe it is also sufficient.
If we could build devices which continued the trend of uniprocessor performance but not the power consumption trend, we should. We might put more than one of these devices on a chip, but we should certainly start with these devices. We should do it for the sake of sequential codes, and we should do it for the sake of those essential "sequential portions". (It's all about Amdahl's law.) As it turns out, we can do this, and we can expect this device to continue the performance trends we have had for decades on ordinary sequential codes, such as SPEC C Int, for at least a few more Moore's law generations. As it turns out, this device is multicore, but it isn't any multicore and it isn't just multicore. It is multicore designed to support compiler and runtime thread extraction, and it includes the compiler and runtime optimizer itself. Let's call this architecture ANARCH, to highlight the fact that computer architecture, now more than ever, is more than just hardware; ANARCH is AN ARCHitecture consisting of A Novel Aggregate of Runtime, Compiler, and Hardware systems to enable automatic parallelization unlike anything seen before. ANARCH requires nothing that hasn't already been conceived and measured, and current measurements show that ANARCH is already able to continue the uniprocessor performance for at least a few more Moore's law generations.
ANARCH's hardware should start with a few key features. First, it should provide support for compiler controlled speculation and recovery. This support should allow memory versioning, transactional memory will support this, but transactional memory is not necessary. This speculation support allows the automatic parallelization in the compiler and runtime optimizer to perform fairly dramatic TLP extraction without non- speculative proofs of correctness. Second, it should support high-frequency streaming communication [MICRO 2006]. This is essential to support the kinds of thread extraction techniques necessary to parallelize sequential programs and sections in ordinary C codes. Finally, a dynamically adjusting heterogeneous core technique, like Core Fusion by José Martínez's group at Cornell, adds balance and efficiency to the system.
ANARCHs compiler and runtime optimizer should start with a few key optimizations. The compiler and runtime optimizer should have the latest multithreading scheduling and partitioning techniques, Decoupled Software Pipelining (DSWP) [MICRO 2005] and Global MT Scheduling to name two. To this, add multithreaded compiler controlled speculation techniques such as MT Memoization, MT Speculative Precomputation, and Speculative DSWP. Augment these optimizations with a decade's worth of ILP optimization techniques, retargeted to TLP. Empower the system with the latest memory analysis, dynamic recompilation, and dynamic memory dependence monitoring. Finally, add the parallelization techniques of the past. While these technique are more applicable to scientific codes, many of them can be generalized with help from the above mentioned hardware and optimizer elements.
We have experience with a subset of ANARCH. Using validated models, we have seen its potential on running SPEC C Int and similar sequential codes. We conservatively project that ANARCH will yield a 6 to 100 thread multiplier on the number of threads provided to it within two years. (Each thread of a parallel program can be optimized in a similar manner.) This description of ANARCH is only just a beginning. New techniques, continually under development, will enable ANARCH to continue the historic uniprocessor performance trend for ordinary sequential codes beyond a few Moore's law generations. (I assert that automatic parallelization technique development will become part of the backbone computer architecture.) Regardless of future developments, ANARCH will respond differently to different programs. This may change software development as developers try to get the most out of ANARCH, but it does not require new languages for multicore.
With experience, the users of any tool learn how best to use that tool. As a tool, ANARCH is no different. While ANARCH will benefit all codes, some will benefit more. Those who want their code to benefit more will do things to make it so. Let's anticipate these changes by examining the fundamental properties of ANARCH.
Programmers know that on any system, certain algorithms do better than others. With ANARCH, the algorithms which do better may be different than before. Intuitively, given what is inside the ANARCH black box, better algorithms will be more "parallel" in nature. Fortunately, we can express these "parallel" algorithms sequentially, avoiding all the problems described above for parallel or new multicore languages. With ANARCH, the system creates the parallel expression, handles communication, and guarantees correctness automatically and by design (assuming a correct sequential expression). This approach has migration, learning, debugging, understanding, determinism advantages. Debugging this sequential expression of a parallel algorithm is no different than debugging sequential codes - it's deterministic and fully ordered. This method also embraces legacy code and a smoother migration path for developers.
Since sequential code defines a single outcome for a given input, ANARCH is unable to create code with alternate correct outcomes for that same input. For example, while any sending order for well-formed, sequentially numbered, TCP packets is correct, ANARCH is forced to reorder these packets before sending even if they are ready to go early. ANARCH must respect the total order on all I/O, unless optional annotations which relax these constraints allow it to create even more parallelism automatically. Programmers will tend to remove these artificial sequential constraints by changing the code or using annotations, whichever is more natural. The examples we find are truly mundane.
Like any aggressive optimization system, ANARCH does better when the programmer doesn't try to be clever. Custom allocators and certain types of memoization are much like manual inlining and unrolling - over time the tools do a much better job than the programmer at this level of optimization. Programmers should make their codes simpler to understand for themselves and for other programmers. In doing this, they will also make the code easier for ANARCH to understand, leading to higher performance.
Vocal proponents of new multicore languages often cite no alternative as the reason. They argue that the multiprocessor automatic parallelization limitations that exist today despite decades of research indicate that multicore automatic parallelization is not a viable solution today. There are at least two reasons why this is an unreasonable leap in logic. First, multiprocessor automatic parallelization is not multicore automatic parallelization. There are opportunities for multicore to move beyond single- chip multiprocessors, including ideas only applicable to multicore that change the problem. Second, advances in compiler technologies developed in the ILP compilation era change the equation. These ILP optimizations are often more effective at extracting TLP than they ever were in extracting ILP. These techniques include new memory analyses, compiler-controlled speculation, and dynamic compilation, to name a few. While we should keep an eye on the past for ideas, we should understand that multicore automatic parallelization is a completely new challenge, but one with many new possibilities. Promoting new multicore languages as the only solution now is an admission of defeat for computer architects and compiler writers before the game has even started.
The ANARCH approach plays nicely with new languages, with old languages, and with thread, MPI, and other libraries. It addresses the Amdahl's law problem that will be seen soon enough with language-based approaches. ANARCH helps those who choose to design new multicore languages to do it right. (All too often, new languages, annotations, and architectural features become obsolete because of a lack of respect for developing compiler technology.) ANARCH provides a zero-cost migration path for legacy codes. ANARCH reduces the burden on software developers expressing parallel algorithms. At the market level, ANARCH is orders of magnitude cheaper than any new multicore language approach. ANARCH is where computer architects and compiler writers can have the most impact. ANARCH elevates everyone.
No, let's just keep beating our heads against the wall; that way, it'll feel so good when we stop.
Or, we could start stopping now.
I'm a big fan of data-parallel programming, for both parallel and serial machines. Unfortunately, many people's conception of data parallelism seems to be limited to arrays of numbers, which might be ok if you do a lot of dense linear algebra. I don't do much linear algebra; I write compilers, a classic example of symbolic computation. I don't think about solutions to my problems in terms of arrays of numbers; instead, I think in terms of sets, maps, and sequences. I'd like to be able to write my programs in these terms and leave their implementation to a compiler.
Generally, higher level languages offer far more opportunities for compiler-generated parallelism. When I'm writing in, say, Fortran 90 and wish to add two matrices, the compiler has the opportunity to implement the addition in parallel. Similarly, if I want to find the union of two sets, writing in some language that supports set operations, I might hope a good compiler would emit code to compute the union in parallel. In both cases, I'm able to work at a high level and produce a parallel program, without particular knowledge or concern for the details of the target machine.
Further, a sufficiently high level language offers the compiler the chance to choose data structures to suite the operations specified by the programmer. Given a parallel target machine, the choice can be slanted towards structures that support a parallel implementation of those operations. Of course, automatic selection of data structures is a difficult problem, but I believe some restricted parts of the problem can be profitably attacked, e.g., representation of intermediate values in an expression tree.
I like, very much, applicative data structures. Side effects certainly complicate my life when I write serial programs and the complexity is multiplied with parallel programs. Put another way, the benefits of applicative data structures are multiplied when writing parallel programs. A useful language might support both mutable and immutable data structures, e.g., CLU.
I like well defined and powerful structuring mechanisms: sets, maps, multisets, sequences, tuples. I want to be able to compose them arbitrarily, e.g., a set of sequences of characters.
I want a variety of powerful operations: union, intersection, applying a map or function to a set, composing two maps, searching a set, etc. Since compilers are especially good at optimizing expressions, I want the expression language to be as powerful as possible.
Interesting languages in this vein include SETL (Schwartz), CM Lisp (Hillis and Steele), and NESL (Blelloch). Of course, there are many others.
I won't claim that this set of features is enough to write all the parallel programs we can imagine. Nevertheless, it seems like a great start. Furthermore, it seems that a more complete parallel language might include my wish list as a subset of its features, perhaps adding ways to explicitly express parallelism and synchronization.
We can make a lot of progress with libraries, but they need to be carefully designed to avoid precluding parallel implementation. For instance, I don't think the C++ STL is particularly good for expressing data parallelism. Nevertheless, it's easy to implement a template library that supports sets, maps, et al., along with powerful operations that can be profitably implemented in parallel. It's more difficult to support optimization of complete expression trees, perhaps choosing between data structures for intermediate results. A compiler has a better chance.
Blitz++ is a counterexample. It's a C++ template library that allows us to compactly express high-performance numerical programs, as an alternative to, say, Fortran 90. It's able to consider complete expression tree and choose appropriate implementations, providing performance comparable to Fortran 90. But even this very clever approach falls down compared to a compiler which can consider much larger chunks of code at once.
For a concrete example, consider adding several elements to a set. If I'm not thinking in an appropriately data-parallel fashion, I might write a loop and add the elements one at a time. A compiler that understands the behavior of sets and the include operation could (should!) recognize that all the elements could be added in parallel, effectively a union operation.
There are few things as frustrating as having a thousand processors sitting idle while one thread scans and parses an "input deck". In some ways, this is more of a problem in the design of the file format. A well designed format can be inhaled quickly and scanned in parallel (I use "scan" as in lexical analysis, though the problem might be even simpler). Compiler support, or at least library support, to allow parallel conversion of values between their internal format and their ASCII representation seems essential.
Finally, I would encourage everyone to think in terms of many, many cores. A programming language (or any related tool) designed for some limited number of threads is not going to be useful for long. My favorite examples are those graphical performance debugging tools that dedicate one line of the display to each thread. How can that approach scale to hundreds or thousand of threads? We need tools that summarize performance in a useful fashion, that abstract from the details in the same way powerful set operations abstract from all the implementation detail.
A revolution in computer architecture is upon us that will introduce the need for a much larger collection of programmers to deal with a set of new design patterns related to parallel computing. Efficient implementation of those patterns will demand language and tool support and the reconsideration of the architecture of existing software frameworks and models of components.
The architectural shift to multi-core processors means that in a few years all mainstream computers will be using parallel processing and that every application that wants to deliver value will need to be parallel. For 16 glorious years, processors improved at 52% per year and the software industry used those gains to deliver more and more interesting software with greater abstraction and hence developer productivity. Now that train seems to have jumped the tracks and slowed, perhaps to only 15% per year while transistor budgets continue to grow more as they have. Only concurrency will allow us to continue to deliver new capability the way we once did and the most likely form is gangs of fairly traditional processors sharing most of a memory hierarchy.
Concurrency brings a set of new concerns to programming which must be captured in a set of new core concepts. This set includes: isolation and communication, opportunistically non-sequential program composition, and unordered updates of shared state. These concerns generate engineering problems as well such as load balancing, locality management and potentially power management. Using concurrency will be so hard that we must capture the art into new design patterns that will allow many more developers to engineer parallel systems effectively.
As new problem domains emerge or as complexity demands greater abstraction, successful examples are captured as design patterns which allow broader audiences to stand on the shoulders of programming giants. As in the past, design patterns that are sufficiently ubiquitous will demand language and framework support. We have seen this trend consistently followed over time starting with the earliest compilers that supported the "subroutine call" (a design pattern that has become some so common as to no longer be recognized as a distinct pattern) and continued with notions of "object" and method dispatch, strong typing, interfaces, generic programming, and access to structured data. In future we will see proliferations of domain specific languages as tools are built to support model-driven development or domains with extreme time-to-market value. For concurrent programs a number of candidate design patterns have enough momentum to warrant wide-spread support. This includes various notions of:
Domain-specific patterns can be captured in various ways. Sometimes the patterns are domain specific and instead of new languages (PHP, Matlab) they are captured in frameworks (J2EE, WPF) and sometimes they come together (Ruby on Rails, ActionScript+Flash). Unlike the frameworks built for say web-programming or computational biology, these are fundamental concepts rather than tools for abstraction. By capturing these patterns with actual language bindings we provide the usual benefits of enforcing discipline and ensuring interoperability. We also gain the ability to build tools for testing and defect detection, platforms that automate some of the engineering concerns, and reusable frameworks that leverage these patterns.
Multicore chips will provide very many computational threads, but they won't all provide the same number of threads, and multiple applications running on one chip will variably divide up its pool of threads. To obtain continuing increases in performance, programs will need to make flexible, frequent use of very many threads. To do this effectively, we need new programming languages with a greater amount of implicit parallelism, well-defined memory models, fewer side-effects, garbage-collection, and transactions instead of locks.
(Most) existing languages lack implicit parallelism. In these languages, if the programmer does not explicitly request creation of a thread, no thread is created, and nothing executes in parallel. Furthermore, there is little parallelism that can be discovered through compiler analysis. Implicit parallelism allows the runtime to create enough parallelism to make effective use of all these cores, but it does not require the creation of parallelism where the granularity is too small, or when no more parallelism is needed. Implicit parallelism allows the use of Cilk-style work stealing, which tends to adaptively distribute work in large locality-enhancing chunks.
Explicit parallelism is mandatory parallelism; if a programmer requests a concurrent thread, it must be created and fairly scheduled, even if the overhead of creating the thread negates the benefit. Explicitly requested threads are typically heavier-weight, with associated thread groups, thread identity, thread-specific data, and the ability to participate in complex synchronization. Explicit parallelism for performance is also difficult to compose. In large, multicomponent programs, it's not clear where parallelism will best be deployed, just as it is not clear where the performance bottlenecks are in serial programs until we profile them. With implicit parallelism and a work-stealing runtime, the programmer doesn't need to pay as much attention to this problem.
The JavaTM Programming Language is a thread-friendly language; its specification includes definitions of threads and interfaces for manipulating threads, and multithreaded Java programs are common. Nonetheless, because explicit threads are the only way for programs written in the Java Programming Language to generate parallelism, Java programs may have difficulty taking full advantage of multicore chips in general. Other languages that regard threads as "just a library" will be even more challenged.
There are some specific (and commercially interesting) problems that do adapt well to explicit threading onto a multicore chip. One notable success has been web and application servers running on Sun's UltraSPARCTM T1 ("Niagara") chips, because server workloads partition naturally into a good number of independent coarse-grained tasks. Problems that lack this natural partitioning will not adapt as well to multicore without changes to programming languages that allow more automated creation and management of parallelism.
Most programming languages don't have a memory model, and memory models are tricky. Without a memory model, we cannot really be sure that a program will function correctly in parallel. Java was intended to have a memory model from the very beginning, but actually devising a memory model that struck the right balance between ease of writing concurrent code, ability to optimize ordinary code, and the idioms that appeared in the wild turned out to be a very difficult task, and programmers still write incorrect code accidentally. The canonical example is the double-checked-locking idiom. In order to avoid the overhead of taking a lock for every read of a once-written shared variable, programmers typically write
SomeClass sharedThing; SomeClass getSharedThing() { if (sharedThing == null) synchronized (this) { if (sharedThing == null) { sharedThing = initialValue(); /* I'm feeling unlucky. */ } } return sharedThing; }
This code is broken, because the memory model declares that sharedThing must be volatile. As written, thread A could initialize sharedThing, pause at the unlucky point, and thread B could read sharedThing before A exited its synchronized block. Other writes associated with the initialValue may not yet have been flushed to memory, and thread B could observe that inconsistent state. Such a bug is rare, but possible.
Without a memory model, such code is not even wrong. Adding a memory model to an existing language is better than not, but it takes time to check and correct legacy code and legacy brains. Even now, experienced Java programmers are still writing double-checked locking without the required volatile declarations.
Current popular languages encourage side-effects, which interfere with parallelism. For example, the Java Collections API is widely used, and filled with side-effecting operations in its interfaces. Java permits the use of final fields to indicate immutability, but the default choice is a field that can change. These are the wrong choices for multicore computing. By default, object fields should be immutable, and any standard library should offer applicative and immutable data structures as a first choice.
Interestingly enough, when we replaced some mutable internal data structures in the Fortress interpreter with their applicative equivalents, not only did we get the multiprocessor scaling that we had hoped for, but the interpreter also ran 20% faster on a uniprocessor laptop.
Today's programming languages provide only locks, if that, for managing concurrent side-effects. Programmmers working with locks often use them incorrectly; either too often, harming performance, or too little, harming correctness. Skilled programmers can slip up and accidentally write code that deadlocks on unlucky days. In all cases, the problem can lie hidden until parallelism is cranked up to a sufficient level because both race conditions and lock contention tend to scale quadratically with the number of threads.
Transactions offer a better choice here; they don't deadlock, and in many cases allow a lightweight implementation. One particular advantage is that they allow concurrency when it is possible, where locks (under explicit programmer control) do not.
Manually managing memory in a parallel world is difficult; effective use of multicore chips by ordinary programmers will require automatic memory management. Garbage collection simplifies both run-of-the-mill concurrent programming and the implementation of specialized concurrent algorithms.
Printable versions of linksCilk: An Efficient Multithreaded Runtime System:
Threads Cannot be Implemented as a Library:
Bill Pugh's Java Memory Model page:
Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki:
The Transactional Manifesto (Maurice Herlihy):
Dynamic Circular Work-Stealing Deque (a "simple" algorithm with
complex resource management):
It is widely acknowledged that concurrent programming is difficult. Yet multicore architectures make concurrent programming essential. If we understand why concurrent programming is so difficult, we have a better chance of solving the problem. Sutter and Larus observe [17]
"humans are quickly overwhelmed by concurrency and find it much more difficult to reason about concurrent than sequential code. Even careful people miss possible interleavings among even simple collections of partially ordered operations."
Yet humans are actually quite adept at reasoning about concurrent systems. The physical world is highly concurrent, and our very survival depends on our ability to reason about concurrent physical dynamics. The problem is that we have chosen concurrent abstractions that do not even vaguely resemble the concurrency of the physical world. We have become so used to these computational abstractions that we have lost track of the fact that they are not immutable. I argue that the difficulty of concurrent programming is a consequence of the abstractions, and that if we are willing to let go of those abstractions, then the problem will be fixable.
New abstractions for computing would seem to imply a need for new programming languages. However, this is not necessarily the case. I will argue that concurrency models can operate at the level of component architectures rather than programming languages. Indeed, if we augment object-oriented component models with intrinsic concurrency, very attractive programming models emerge. The models leverage existing languages and imperative reasoning about algorithms, and introduce concurrency via coordination of components rather than through modifications in the languages.
In general-purpose software engineering practice, one approach to concurrent programming dominates all others, namely, threads. Threads are sequential processes that share memory. They represent a key concurrency model supported by modern computers, programming languages, and operating systems. Many general-purpose parallel architectures in use today are direct hardware realizations of the thread abstraction.
Some applications can very effectively use threads. So-called "embarrassingly parallel" applications (for example, applications that essentially spawn multiple independent processes such as build tools, like PVM gmake, or web servers). Because of the independence of these applications, programming is relatively easy, and the abstraction being used is more like processes than threads (where memory is not shared). Where such applications do share data, they do so through database abstractions, which manage concurrency through such mechanisms as transactions. However, client-side applications are not so simple.
Of course, threads are not the only possibility for concurrent programming. In scientific computing, where performance requirements have long demanded concurrent programming, data parallel language extensions and message passing libraries (like PVM [8], MPI [14], and OpenMP) dominate over threads for concurrent programming. In fact, computer architectures intended for scientific computing often differ significantly from so-called "general purpose" architectures. They commonly support vectors and streams in hardware, for example. However, even in this domain, concurrent programs remain tedious to write. C and FORTRAN dominate, despite a long history of much better data parallel languages.
In distributed computing, threads are often not a practical abstraction because creating the illusion of shared memory is often too costly. Even so, we have gone to considerable lengths to create distributed computing mechanisms that emulate multithreaded programming. CORBA and .NET, for example, are rooted in distributed object-oriented techniques, where software components interact with proxies that behave as if they were local objects with shared memory. Object-orientation's data abstraction limits the extent to which the illusion of shared memory needs to be preserved, so such techniques prove reasonably cost effective. They make distributed programming look much like multithreaded programming.
I have argued in [12] that nontrivial multithreaded programs are incomprehensible. The root of the problem is their wildly nondeterministic behavior due to arbitrary interleaving of atomic actions. I will argue that we must (and can) build concurrent models of computation that are far more deterministic, and that we must judiciously and carefully introduce nondeterminism only where needed. Threads take the opposite approach. They make programs absurdly nondeterministic, and rely on programming style to constrain that nondeterminism to achieve deterministic aims.
There are, of course, successful methods that greatly improve the usability of threads. Object-oriented design, for example, limits the visibility of data in software architectures, thereby limiting the effects of arbitrary interleaving. Transactions, which give programmers control over the granularity of atomic actions, also help enormously. Concurrent design patterns, like MapReduce [6], and libraries of concurrent data structures, like those in Java 5.0 and STAPL [2], also help enormously. Language extensions can also help considerably, as for example in Split-C [5], Cilk [4], and Guava [3]. These language changes prune away considerable nondeterminacy without sacrificing much performance. More aggressive innovations, like promises or futures [9] offer significantly different programming models, and may in fact catch on. Formal checkers, as for example in Blast [10] and the Intel thread checker, can help considerably by revealing program behaviors that are difficult for a human to spot. Less formal techniques, such as performance debuggers like Valgrind, can also help in a similar way, making it easier for programmers to sort through the vast nondeterminacy of program behaviors.
While all of these techniques hold promise, I argue here for a different approach. I believe that the problem can be addressed by simply focusing on component architectures. Component architecture have become dominated by a particular view of object-oriented design as realized in C++, C#, and Java. This view is intrinsically imperative, where interactions between components are via call-return semantics, and threads and concurrency are not directly part of the component model. What flows through components is sequential control. An alternative model, where data flows through components (rather than control), has been called "actor-oriented" [13, 11, 1]. Such models can take many forms. Unix pipes offer an early form of actor-oriented design, and in fact were a very common concurrent programming model before threads emerged into the programmer's vernacular.
While actor-oriented design can be accomplished with new programming languages that replace imperative models, this is probably neither advisable nor necessary. I believe that the right answer is coordination languages. Coordination languages may introduce new syntax, but that syntax serves purposes that are orthogonal to those of established programming languages. Whereas a general-purpose concurrent language has to include syntax for mundane operations such as arithmetic expressions, a coordination language need not specify anything more than coordination. Given this, the syntax can be noticeably distinct. Coordination languages have been around for some time [15], and have failed to take root. One reason for this is that their acceptance amounts to capitulation on one key front: homogeneity. A prevailing undercurrent in programming languages research is that any worthy programming language must be general purpose. It must be, at a minimum, sufficiently expressive to express its own compiler. And then, adherents to the language are viewed as traitors if they succumb to the use of another language. Language wars are religious wars, and few of these religions are polytheistic.
A key development, however, has broken the ice. UML, which is properly viewed as a family of languages, each with a visual syntax, is routinely combined with C++ and Java. Programmers are starting to get used to using more than one language, where complementary features are provided by the disjoint languages. There are many challenges on this path. Designing good coordination languages is no easier than designing good general-purpose languages, and is full of pitfalls. And of course, coordination languages need to develop scalability and modularity features analogous to those in established languages. This can be done. Our own Ptolemy II [7], for example, provides a sophisticated, modern type system at the coordination language level [18], and offers a preliminary form of inheritance and polymorphism that is adapted from object-oriented techniques [13]. A huge opportunity exists in adapting the concept of higher-order functions from functional languages to coordination languages to offer constructs like MapReduce at the coordination language level. Some very promising early work in this direction is given by Reekie [16].
Concurrency in software is difficult. However, much of this difficulty is a consequence of the abstractions for concurrency that we have chosen to use. The dominant one in use today for general-purpose computing is threads. But non-trivial multi-threaded programs are incomprehensible to humans. It is true that the programming model can be improved through the use of design patterns, better granularity of atomicity (e.g. transactions), improved languages, and formal methods. However, these techniques merely chip away at the unnecessarily enormous nondeterminism of the threading model. The model remains intrinsically intractable.
If we expect concurrent programming to be mainstream, and if we demand reliability and predictability from programs, then we must discard threads as a programming model. Concurrent programming models can be constructed that are much more predictable and understandable than threads. Threads must be relegated to the engine room of computing, to be suffered only by expert technology providers.
I would like to acknowledge thought-provoking comments and suggestions from Joe Buck (Synopsys), Mike Burrows (Google), Stephen Edwards (Columbia), Jim Larus (Microsoft), and Sandeep Shukla (Virginia Tech).
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